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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
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For the month of November, 2004



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Credicorp (NYSE:BAP; LSE:BAPC1) reported a consolidated net income for the nine month period ended in September 30, 2004 of US$95.9 million, or US$1.20 per share, 68.9% above net income of US$56.8 million, or US$0.71 per share, in the same nine month period of 2003. In the quarter ended September 30, 2004 Credicorp had net income of US$32.9 million, or US$0.41 per share, similar to net profit in the preceding second quarter, but 26.8% above net income in third quarter 2003 of US$26.0 million, or US$0.33 per share.

Cumulative results through September 2004 improve with respect to the same period of 2003, mainly due to decreased loan loss provisions and to lower merger costs, which mainly offset declining net interest income.

Third quarter 2004 results are higher than profits in the same year-ago quarter mainly because of higher non-financial income and lower loan loss provisions

Provisions for loan losses decreased from US$23.8 million to US$9.8 million, comparing the third quarters of 2003 and 2004, respectively, due to improved loan portfolio quality. Loan quality improvement is noted through a lower past-due loan ratio, that decreased from 7.6% at September 2003, to 4.8% at the end of September 2004, and by the improved coverage of bad loans by provisions which increased from 113.7% to 130.8%, respectively.

We can note an increase in Premiums and health fees, Claims and health cost expenses, and of non-interest expenses, due to prior period transactions of Novasalud EPS, registered in this quarter upon completion of its merger with PPS. This unit has been stabilized and its operating results are positive, with cumulative net gains of approximately US$1.0 million.

Reported under the Merger costs concept, we have US$17.5 million in the nine month period of 2003 for the merger of Banco Santander Central Hispano-Peru (“BSCH-Peru”), compared to US$3.7 million as of September 2004, related with the Solución Financiera de Crédito merger.

Sale of Banco Tequendama

In October 26, 2004, Credicorp announced its agreement to sell its equity stake in Banco Tequendama. The acquiring company is a financial holding based in the Netherlands which has agreed on a price of US$32.0 million, pending the authorization from Colombian banking authorities.



(In U.S.$ millions, except net income per share)

Three months ended Nine months ended

30.09.03 30.06.04 30.09.04 30.09.03 30.09.04

Net interest income (1) 95.5 92.6 94.2 286.9 276.7
Provisions for possible loan losses, net 23.8 7.2 9.8 77.8 36.0
Other income (1) 99.8 96.8 133.3 308.4 338.9
Claims on insurance activities 24.7 27.1 48.6 76.3 104.4
Other expenses 102.7 106.3 122.4 324.1 336.9
Merger costs 0.0 1.4 0.5 17.5 3.7
Translation result 0.4 0.8 (0.2) (3.8) 3.9
Income before income tax and
minority interest 44.5 48.2 45.9 95.8 138.6
Income Tax (13.3) (12.7) (10.8) (29.9) (35.1)
Minority Interest (5.2) (2.7) (2.1) (9.2) (7.6)
Net Income 26.0 32.9 32.9 56.8 95.9
Net Income per share (2) 0.33 0.41 0.41 0.71 1.20


Note: for comparison purposes, US$4.9Mn in 3Q03 and US$18.4Mn in 9m03 were

reclassified from other income into interest income.


Based on 79.8 million net outstanding shares in all periods.

The total number of shares is 94.4 million, however, as 14.6 million are held by affiliates as

treasury shares, the net consolidated outstanding shares are 79.8 million.

Net Income from Subsidiaries

Credicorp’s principal subsidiaries contributed to consolidated net income as follows:

(US$Mn) 3Q03 2Q04 3Q04 9m03 9m04

Banco de Crédito BCP(1) US$28.7 US$27.4 US$32.0 US$63.8 US$85.3
Atlantic 2.5 3.6 2.8 4.7 9.3
PPS 0.1 1.9 3.0 6.9 7.7
Banco Tequendama -0.2 0.4 0.9 -0.4 1.9
Credicorp and others (2) -5.1 -0.4 -5.8 -18.2 -8.3
Net Income US$26.0 US$32.9 US$32.9 US$56.8 US$95.9


Includes Banco de Crédito de Bolivia.


Includes Inversiones Crédito, Credicorp Securities and others.

In the third quarter of 2004, the Credicorp and others concept contributed a loss of US$5.8 million, which includes a US$3.5 million provision for substandard loans transferred from Banco Tequendama, and a US$1.0 million charge for investments and contingencies reserves. The US$5.1 million loss contribution in the third quarter of 2003 included a US$2.0 million charge for investments and contingencies reserves and a US$2.0 million provision for substandard loans transferred from Banco Tequendama.

Banco de Crédito BCP contributed US$32.0 million to Credicorp’s net income in third quarter 2004, above its results according to Peruvian accounting principles reported in Section II, which amounted to US$20.9 million. The difference is mainly due to the loss on inflation exposure in local books while a lower translation loss was registered by Credicorp. Credicorp’s Dollar-based accounting shows a US$0.8 million translation loss, compared to a US$16.0 million loss in BCP’s local records, which resulted from inflation adjustment losses and losses on foreign currency positions caused by the Nuevo Sol appreciation against the Dollar. Additionally, Credicorp registered a minority interest elimination amounting to approximately US$1.3 million.

The contribution of Atlantic Security Holding Corporation of US$2.8 million in the current quarter is equal to net income shown in its books (see Section III). Cumulative through September 2004, Atlantic received US$5.8 million in dividends from Credicorp, with its net income reaching US$15.1 million, compared to a contribution of US$9.3 million. In the year-ago third quarter no dividend was received from Credicorp and there was no difference between the contributed net income and profits in Atlantic’s books.

In third quarter 2004, Credicorp received a US$3.0 million profit contribution from Pacífico Peruano Suiza, lower than the consolidated net income of US$3.8 million in its local Peruvian GAAP books (See Section IV), mainly because Credicorp’s records register minority interest deductions.

Banco Tequendama contributed net income of US$0.9 million in the third quarter of 2004, compared to a US$0.2 million loss in the prior year quarter. These contributed amounts do not include provision expense incurred by Credicorp as mentioned above.


Note: For comparison purposes, in periods prior to 2004, certain financial revenue items registered by insurance subsidiaries have been retroactively reclassified from the Other non-financial income concept into the Interest Income concept, with no effect on either net income nor total revenue.

Net interest income in the third quarter of 2004 was US$94.2 million, lower than US$95.5 million earned in the same period of 2003, mostly due to a decrease in interest margins, partly offset with slightly higher interest earning assets.

The net interest margin (net interest income over average interest earning assets), on an annualized basis, was 5.23% during the third quarter of 2004, lower than 5.61% in the year-ago quarter, and also decreased from 5.31% in the preceding second quarter of 2004. During the current quarter both loan rates and funding costs increased slightly, within a continuing overall excess of liquid funds.

The volume of interest earning assets, as an average of quarter-end balances, reached US$7,199 million in this quarter, increasing 5.7% compared to US$6,809 million in the third quarter of 2003.

Non-interest income was US$133.3 million in the third quarter of 2004, 33.5% higher than US$99.8 million in the same period of 2003. This significant increase is explained by Novasalud EPS transactions made from March 2004 through September 2004, registered in the current quarter as its merger with Pacífico Salud process finished. Due to this effect Premiums and health fees reached US$64.4 million in this quarter, 90.2% over third quarter 2003. Likewise, Claims and health costs grew to US$48.6 million, 96.7% higher compared to the 2003 quarter.

Non-interest income components and Claims and health costs were as follows:

  3Q03  2Q04  3Q04  3Q04 vs.  3Q04 vs. 
(In US$Mn)       2Q04  3Q03 

Commissions for banking services 48.9 49.4 52.0 5.3% 6.3%
Net premiums and health fees 33.8 33.1 64.4 94.7% 90.2%
Gains from sale of securities -2.6 -3.4 3.7 N/A N/A
Gains from foreign exchange 5.4 5.1 6.6 28.5% 22.0%
Other non-interest income 14.3 12.7 6.7 -47.5% -53.4%
Total Non-Interest Income 99.8 96.8 133.3 37.7% 33.5%
Claims and health costs 24.7 27.1 48.6 79.3% 96.7%


Other non-interest expenses amounted to US$123.0 million in third quarter 2004, 19.8% over expenses in the same period of the previous year mainly due to the increase of the Other expenses, caption due to higher provisions for investments and foreclosed assets, mainly in Credicorp and BCP. Additionally, as mentioned above, prior period expenses by Novasalud affected other operating cost concepts. Credicorp’s other expense components had the following variations:

  3Q03  2Q04  3Q04  3Q04 vs.  3Q04 vs. 
(% change and US$Mn)       2Q04  3Q03 

Salaries and employee benefits 44.8 46.9 50.0 6.7% 11.7%
General, administrative, and taxes 34.5 34.9 37.2 6.6% 7.7%
Depreciation and amortization 12.0 11.0 12.3 11.5% 2.3%
Other 11.3 13.5 22.9 70.0% 103.0%
Merger costs -.-  1.4 0.5 -60.9% N/A
Total Other Expenses 102.7 107.6 123.0 14.2% 19.8%

The efficiency ratio, “adjusted” operating expenses (see Section II.4)) as a percentage of total income, without extraordinary concepts, increase to 48.6% in the third quarter of 2004 having been 46.4% in the same period last year. “Adjusted” operating expenses as a percentage of average total assets increased to 5.1% from 4.4%, in the same quarters.


Note: For comparison purposes, in balance sheets reported for dates prior to September 30, 2004, bonds and other obligations and subordinated debt, previously reported within Deposits and obligations and Other liabilities, are now shown under the Bonds and subordinated debt caption, without affecting total liabilities (see Table No.1).

Credicorp’s totals assets reached US$8.8 billion at September 30, 2004, increasing 2.9% since the end of June 2004, and are 6.9% higher than the balance at September 2003, mainly due to increased investments.

The loan portfolio as of September 30, 2004 reached US$4.5 billion, growing 1.3% compared to the balance in September 2003, but decreased during the current quarter from US$4.6 billion in June 2004, mainly due to seasonal effects.

Loan quality indicators are shown in the following table:

(In US$Mn) 30.09.03 30.06.04 30.09.04

Total loans 4,472.0 4,601.8 4,531.6
Past due loans 341.0 222.5 215.0
Loan loss reserves 387.8 293.3 281.2
Past due / Total loans 7.6% 4.8% 4.8%
Reserves / Past due 113.7% 131.8% 130.8%

The balance of past due loans decreased from US$222.5 million to US$215.0 million during the current quarter partly due to charge-offs amounting to US$23.3 million.

Deposits and other obligations reached US$6.2 billion at September 30, 2004, increasing 3.4% over US$6.0 billion of last June 2004, and are 5.3% higher than the September 2003 balance. Due to banks and correspondents declined 6.7% closing at US$349.1 million, but are 24.9% higher than the balance at September 2003.

Credicorp’s net equity amounted to slightly over US$1.0 billion at September 30, 2004, increasing 6.5% over equity at June 2004, due to earnings generated during the quarter and to higher valuation of investments that increased equity reserves for un-realized earnings.

Third party funds under management, amounting to US$1.7 billion at the end of September 2004, remained almost unchanged during the current quarter, but are still 5.4% higher than funds at September 2003.


Below are brief comments on some of the subsidiaries not discussed in the following sections of this report:

Banco de Crédito de Bolivia ("BCB"), Bolivia

Bolivian economic activity continued showing signs of a moderate recovery. GDP grew 3.3% in second quarter 2004, after growing 3.8% in the first quarter, which was higher than 2.5% in fourth quarter 2003. Higher growth is mainly due to increased exports of minerals, oil and gas, and agricultural products. Cumulative through July 2004, exports grew 37%, higher than the 20% growth in total 2003, generating a trade surplus compared to a deficit in 2003. It is expected that GDP will grow approximately 3.5% in 2004, with continued development of exports, while domestic demand and consumption remain stagnant.

During the current quarter inflation reversed a positive trend followed in prior periods. In third quarter 2004 inflation was 0.9%, lower than 1.2% in the preceding quarter. Cumulative inflation in the first nine month period of 2004 was 2.6%, higher than 2.3% in the same year-ago period. Nevertheless, devaluation continued at a slower pace with a 0.8% exchange rate increase in the current quarter and 2.0% in the first nine month period of 2004, reaching 8.00 Bolivianos per Dollar at September 30, 2004.

Total deposits in the banking system grew to US$2,440 million at September 2004, after declining to US$2,360 in July 2004 due to the application of the financial transactions tax. Deposits still remain below balances of US$2,639 million at December 2003.

Loan volume in the banking system declined slightly during the current quarter to US$2,412 million as of September 2004, and are 5.7% lower than loans of US$2,558 million at December 2003. The past due loan ratio was 16.9% in September 2004, similar to 16.7% in December 2003. The coverage of past-due loans with provisions increased to 76.5% during this quarter, improving over coverage of 74.0% in December 2003.

BCB’s market share in deposits at September 2004 was 12.6%, increasing sligthly from 12.5% at the end of December 2003. In terms of loans, BCB had a 12.5% market share, above 12.2% it had last December. In this way, BCB remained in the fourth position in terms of loans, of twelve banks in the system, but declined from fourth to fifth in terms of deposits.

As of September 30, 2004, BCB had total loans of US$301.9 million which compares to the US$309.9 million at December 2003. Loan quality continued to improve. At the end of the third quarter 2004, BCB’s past due loans reached US$42.9 million, or 14.2% of total loans, lower than 20.7% at December 2003. Coverage of past due loans with loan loss provisions was 83.3% as of September 2004, increasing from 76.7% in December 2003. Net equity at the Bolivian subsidiary amounted to US$57.5 million as of September 2004.

In the nine month period of 2004, loan loss provisions resulted in a US$0.7 million expense charge, compared to US$7.5 million charged against results during the same period in 2003. In BCB’s own records, through September 2004 cumulative net income was US$2.6 million, compared to US$0.6 million in the same year-ago period.

Banco Tequendama, Colombia

Colombian economic activity continued a noteworthy recovery during third quarter 2004, led by investment and exports to the United States, Ecuador and Venezuela, and reaching nine consecutive growth quarters. GDP grew 4.3% in the first half of 2004, while, through August, industrial production increased 5.5% and Commerce by 6.0%. Expected GDP growth for total 2004 has been raised to slightly over 4%. In full-year 2003 GDP grew 3.6% and 1.7% in 2002.

The Colombian Peso exchange rate strengthened during third quarter 2004, as factors like the increase of international interest rates, that caused volatility in the second quarter, diminished. The exchange rate was Col$2,608.30 per US$1 at the end of September 2004, declining compared to Col$2,694.09 at June 2004. This appreciation continued in the weeks following the end of third quarter 2004.

In third quarter 2004 price inflation maintained a slight declining trend, reaching 5.97% in the twelve months prior to September 2004, dropping withing the target range of 5 to 6% por total 2004. In third quarter 2004 prices increased 0.3%, lower than 0.4% in the same year-ago period. In first half 2004 inflation reached 4.6%, higher than expected mostly due to increases in oil, energy and food prices. In spite of the effect of higher petroleum prices, for the rest of 2004 inflation is expected to remain within the target range aided by the appreciating exchange rate, fiscal controls and by higher economic activity.

Banking system statistics show that loans increased 23.2%, from US$15.8 billion at December 2003, to US$19.4 billion at the close of August 2004, with the past-due ratio improving from 9.7% in December 2003, to 7.5% in August 2004. The coverage ratio of loan provisions over bad loans also improved, from 70.1% at December 2003 to 78.3% in August 2004. Total deposits in the banking entities were US$23.9 billion at the end of August 2004, increasing 16.5% from US$20.5 billion at December 2003, continuing their recovery.

Banco Tequendama’s loan market share, as of August 2004, was 1.48%, slightly over 1.44% obtained in December 2003. At the same dates, deposit market share was 0.94% and 0.90%, respectively.

As of September 30, 2004, Banco Tequendama’s loans were US$285.2 million, increasing 22.8% from US$232.1 million in December 2003, and 24.0% compared to US$229.9 million as of September 2003. At the end of September 2004, deposits totaled US$232.9 million, 24.2% higher than US$187.5 million in December 2003, and 45.1% over US$160.5 million at the year-ago quarter. At September 30, 2004, the bank’s net equity amounted to US$31.4 million according to Credicorp’s accounting records.

The past due loan ratio was 1.9% in September 2004, higher than 1.1% at the end of December 2003 and 1.2% at September 2003, while coverage with provisions was 144.3%, compared to 238.2% and 191.0%, respectively.


Economic Activity

Third quarter 2004 showed an increased growth trend in Peruvian GDP, after a slowdown in the preceding quarter. The better than expected GDP performance is noted across most sectors, with higher activity in non-primary manufacturing, mainly textiles, and in mining, thanks to high international demand for exports which raised their prices.

GDP grew 3.8% in July and 6.0% last August, reaching in the first eight months of 2004 a cumulative growth of 4.4%, higher than 4.2% in the same year-ago period. Official estimates expect growth continuing through year-end, with total 2004 GDP growth at 4.3%.

Cumulative through August 2004 shows growth in all GDP sectors except Agriculture. Highest performance is noted in metals mining, which grows 6.6%, although with a declining trend due to lower gold production that is partly offset with higher copper output; fishing, which grew 23.8%, in spite of an anchovie seasonal ban; non-primary manufacturing, up by 6.0%; and, the construction sector, that grew 4.9%. On the other hand, production continued poor on the agricultural sector, which declined 2.0% through August, due to lack of rainfall.

Public Finance

In second quarter 2004, the Public Sector budget had a surplus of 1.0% (of GDP), following a 0.9% surplus in first quarter 2004. Given that the total 2004 target is to run a deficit of 1.5%, a substantial increase in public expenditure can be expected in second half 2004, which will have a short-run positive effect on GDP growth.

The positive result in first-half 2004 was mainly due to increased Central Government tax revenue that reached 13.3% of GDP (12.9% in total 2003) and to lower public investment expenditures of 1.1% (1.9% in total 2003).

Cumulative through August 2004, tax collections increased 12.6%, in nominal terms, noting a 21% increase of Income Tax revenue from corporations and the 17% growth in case of the value-added tax (IGV), which increased mainly due to administrative measures and improved business conditions. Non-financial expenses increased 4.2% (nominal), while capital expenses declined by 12.7%.

Prices and Devaluation

In the third quarter of 2004, the consumer price index in Peru increased only 0.2%, lower than the 0.9% and 2.1% increases in the preceding two quarters. Inflation was 3.2% in the nine month period of 2004, and 4.0% in the twelve month period through September 2004. Inflation remained subdued in spite of higher fuel and energy prices, due to increased import costs, which were partly offset by lower food and services prices, which benefitted from a lower exchange rate. Inflation is expected not to exceed the top of the range of 1.5% to 3.5%, targetted by the Central Bank for total 2004.

The wholesale price index increased 0.1% in the current quarter, and 4.9% in the first nine month period of 2004, compared to 0.5% and 1.0% in the same periods in 2003. Wholesale prices increased 6.0% in the twelve months through September 2004. In the third quarter, the decline in the exchange rate helped lower the cost of imported intermediate goods.

The average bank market Nuevos Soles exchange rate in Peru was S/.3.342 at September 30, 2004, decreasing 3.7% from S/.3.471 at the end of June 2004, and is also lower by 3.5% compared to year-end 2003. To avoid the streghtening of the currency, in the third quarter, the Central Bank increased the purchase of foreign exchange in the currency market, acquiring US$610 million, to reach US$1,440 million in the first nine months of 2004, compared to US$1,050 million purchased during total 2003.

International Reserves

International reserves of the Central Bank continued to increase during third quarter 2004, due in part to the above mentioned foreign currency purchases. Reserves reached US$11,187 million at September 30, 2004 from US$10,855 million at June 30, 2004, and also compared to US$10,194 million at December 31, 2003.

The Trade Balance had a US$1.2 billion cumulative surplus through August 2004, increasing compared to a US$341 million surplus in the same eight month period of 2003. The improvement continues the positive trend noted since 2002, when the surplus reached US$306 million and in 2003 when the surplus grew to US$731 million. Cumulative through August 2004, exports grew 36% versus a 15% increase in imports. Exports, which reached US$7,792 million as of August 2004, grow on increased volume and prices, especially of copper, and non-traditional textiles, agricultural and fishing exports. Imports through August 2004 amounted to US$6,225 million, increasing mainly due to higher imports of raw materials and durable goods, while consumer goods remained almost unchanged.

Financial System

For the second consecutive quarter commercial bank’s loan and deposit volumes slightly increased, based on U. S. Dollar figures translated at historical exchange rates to avoid the negative effect of the strenghtening of the Nuevo Sol. Deposits at September 30, 2004 in the fourteen commercial banks in the system reached US$14.3 billion, according to the Asociación de Bancos del Peru (ASBANC), increasing 2.8%, in Dollar terms, compared to the balance at June 30, 2004, and by 4.5% compared to the year-ago balance at September 30, 2003.

As of September 30, 2004, total loans in the banking system were US$10.5 billion, remaining similar to loans at June 30, 2004, but are 1.5% over September 30, 2003 loan balances. In the current quarter, local currency loans (23.5% of total loans) grew 6.9% to reach US$2.5 billion, while foreign currency loans decreased 2.0% to US$8.0 billion.

As of September 30, 2004, the Peruvian bank's past due ratio was 4.6%, improving from the 5.1% rate in June 30, 2004 and from 7.7% in September 30, 2003. Commercial banks’ past due loans decreased 9.7% since last June to US$485 million, and are lower by 38.9% compared to bad loans at September 30, 2003. At September 30, 2004, loan loss provisions were US$756 million, decreasing 5.3% during this quarter. The system-wide past due loan coverage ratio was 155.7% at September 30, 2004, higher than the 148.5% coverage at June 30, 2004, and is also higher than the ratio of 124.6% at September 30, 2003.

Interest rates

During the third quarter 2004 commercial banks’ loans and deposits interest rates had a slight increase. Local currency average loan rates (TAMN) were 25.1% in third quarter 2004, increasing from 24.6% in the second quarter of 2004, while deposits rates (TIPMN) remained at 2.4%. In the third quarter 2003, TAMN was 21.5% and TIPMN was 3.0%. During the third quarter 2004 foreign currency loan rates (TAMEX) remained at 8.9%, while deposit rates (TIPMEX) increased from 1.0% to 1.1%.

Private Pension Funds and Mutual Funds

After high growth rates in prior quarters, managed assets in private pension funds and mutual funds suffered declines due to volatility of prices and valuations in capital markets and to the increase in interest rates.

The private pension fund assets reached US$7.3 billion as of September 30, 2004, increasing 8.5% during the current quarter, and are 28% higher than funds at September 2003, with a return of 7.8% in real terms in the twelve month period.

Total mutual funds amounted to US$1.8 billion at the end of the third quarter 2004, decreasing 5.2% in the quarter, and by 9.1% from the balance at September 2003, with a return of 0.9% in the quarter and of 2.8% during the year since September 2003 (in Dollar terms).



Consolidated net income in the nine month period ended in September 30, 2004 reached S/.220.8 million (US$66.1 million), compared to net income of S/.232.1 million (US$69.4 million) in the same period of 2003, meaning S/.0.18 and S/.0.19 per share, respectively. Net income in the third quarter 2004 was S/.69.9 million (US$20.9 million), decreasing compared with net income of S/.112.6 million (US$30.7 million) in the same quarter in 2003.

Net income, cumulative through September and in third quarter 2004, decline compared to net profit in the same periods in 2003 mainly due to lower financial income and higher losses on inflation adjustment, which are partly offset with lower loan loss provisions and lower operating expenses.

Lower net interest income is due to decreased net interest margin and to decreased loan volume.

The increase on losses on inflation adjustment, to S/.106.0 million (US$31.7 million) as of September 2004, is due to the negative effects of a higher wholesale price inflation and of the strenghtening of the Nuevo Sol exchange rate. Through September 2004, we had a 4.9% inflation, compared to 1.0% in the same 2003 period, while the exchange rate declined 3.5% compared to 0.9%, respectively.


(In constant S/. and U.S.$ millions, except net income per share)

Three months ended Nine months ended

30.09.03 30.06.04 30.09.04 30.09.04 30.09.03 30.09.04 30.09.04

           US$        US$ 
Net interest income 310.6 263.6 260.6 $78.0 913.5 791.9 $236.9
Provisions for loan losses, net 83.6 20.6 12.3 $3.7 277.0 81.0 $24.2
Other income 238.3 205.8 215.0 $64.3 726.5 647.7 $193.8
Other expenses 310.5 307.3 304.3 $91.1 956.7 918.9 $275.0
Merger costs 0.0 4.9 1.8 $0.5 64.3 13.2 $4.0
Result from exposure to inflation 0.7 (16.8) (53.6) ($16.0) (21.8) (106.0) ($31.7)
Income before income tax 155.5 119.8 103.5 $31.0 320.1 320.4 $95.9
Income Tax 42.9 37.4 33.6 $10.1 88.1 99.6 $29.8
Net Income 112.6 82.5 69.9 $20.9 232.1 220.8 $66.1
Net Income per share (2) 0.09 0.07 0.06 $0.02 0.19 0.18 $0.05


Financial statements prepared according to Peruvian GAAP. The financial information

is in constant soles as of September 30, 2004. Figures in US$ have been translated

at the exchange rate of S/.3.342 to the dollar.


Based on 1,226 million outstanding shares in all periods.


Interest income, net of interest payments, in the third quarter of 2004 reached S/.260.6 million (US$77.8 million), lower compared to S/.310.6 million (US$92.9 million) net interest income in the same period of last year, but it remained similar to net interest income in the preceding second quarter of 2004. Decreased net interest income is mostly due to continuous fall in average interest earning assets, together with lower net interest margins.

Average interest earning assets reached S/.20,614 million (US$6,168 million) during third quarter 2004, a decline of 5.2% comparing with the third quarter of last year, while they are 0.6% lower than average assets in second quarter 2004. In the current quarter BCP continued its persistent excess liquidity environment in both local and foreign currencies.

During the third quarter of 2004, the net interest margin was 5.06%, slightly under 5.08% in the preceding second quarter, but declines from 5.71% during the third quarter of 2003. During the current quarter the margin declined, with mostly stable local currency loan and deposit rates, while foreign currency loan and deposit rates increased approximately one hundred basis points.


Non-interest income, which include fee revenue and other non-interest items, in the third quarter of 2004 amounted to S/.215.0 million (US$64.3 million), lower than S/.238.3 million (US$71.3 million) earned during the same period of 2003, mostly due to decreased Other income caption, mainly due to declining recoveries of charged-off accounts and income from services to third parties.

In the third quarter of 2004, fees from banking services amounted to S/.163.2 million (US$48.8 million), 6.7% lower than in the same period of 2003, due to lower revenue in various concepts related to declining accounts’ transaction volume due to the tax on financial transactions. In the quarter, fees on the most important banking services had the following growth rates:

(In constant S/. Mn.) 3Q03  3Q04  Growth

Savings accounts 22.9 19.7 -14.0%
Demand deposits 21.7 22.1 1.8%
Credit cards 21.6 20.5 -5.1%
Fund transfer services 14.7 14.9 1.4%
Collections fees 13.1 12.5 -4.6%
Billings and payments 14.3 13.1 -8.4%
Contingent and foreign trade 7.9 8.6 8.9%
Contingent credits 6.8 6.9 1.5%
Debit cards 9.6 5.6 -41.7%
Corporate Finance 7.6 10.3 35.5%
Brokerage 10.1 12.1 19.8%
Commercial loans 5.4 3.8 -29.6%
Insurance 5.9 4.0 -32.2%
Mortgage loans 2.0 1.6 -20.0%
Channels and services 2.0 1.7 -15.0%
Master account 2.2 1.5 -31.8%
Personal loans 0.9 0.9 0.0%
Micro-business credit 0.4 1.8 350.0%
Other 5.8 1.6 -72.4%
Total 174.9 163.2 -6.7%

Note: line items in this table aggregate concepts that
are different from tables reported in prior year periods.

In the third quarter of 2004, securities transactions resulted in a gain of S/.5.6 million (US$1.7 million), compared to losses in the year-ago quarter of S/.5.7 million (US$1.7 million). The general index of the Lima Stock Exchange increased 13.6% in the third quarter of 2004, compared to a 8.5% increase in the same year-ago period.

Gains from foreign exchange operations, which are the result of the foreign exchange buy-sell margin, were S/.21.6 million (US$6.5 million) in the third quarter of 2004, 11.6% higher than revenue in the same quarter of 2003, and 17.5% higher than revenue in second quarter 2004, mainly due to increased margins due to volatility in the foreign exchange market caused by the falling exchange rate.

The Other Income caption, that mainly registers reversals of prior year expenses and provisions and recoveries of certain operating costs, decreased from S/.49.7 million (US$14.9 million) in the third quarter of 2003 to S/.24.7 million (US$10.1 million) in the current period, mainly due to lower recoveries of charged-off accounts.


Non-interest expenses during the third quarter of 2004 were S/.306.2 million (US$91.6 million), 1.4% under those of the same period in 2003, mainly because of decreased personnel and general and administrative costs.

To determine operating efficiency, operating expenses are “adjusted” excluding certain non-recurrent items and that do not contribute to the performance of the business. Third quarter 2004 “adjusted” operating expenses are determined by excluding: (i) provisions for assets received in lieu of loan repayment (S/.25.0 million); (ii) non-recurring expenses related to the systems’ restructuring costs (S/.2.8 million); (iii) employee profit sharing expenses and bonuses (S/.11.8 million); and, (iv) merger costs related to Solución Financiera (S/.1.8 million).

“Adjusted” operating expenses reached S/.264.7 million (US$79.2 million) in the third quarter of 2004, decreasing 0.7% compared to the year-ago period.

In this quarter, approximately 42% of non-interest expenses were attributable to employee salaries and other expenses related to personnel. This concept decreased 6.0% to S/.127.8 million (US$38.2 million) when compared to the third quarter of 2003. At the end of September 2004 the number of employees stood at 7,667, increasing from 7,567 employees as of June 2004, but is similar to 7,644 at September 2003, mainly due to additional teller positions at Banco de Crédito de Bolivia.

General and Administrative expenses, which represented 31% of non-interest expenses, reached S/.95.7 million (US$28.6 million) in the third quarter of 2004, decreasing 7.1% when compared to expenses in the year-ago period. Lower expenses are mainly due to decreased third party fees and supplies expenses. In this quarter, the most significant general and administrative expenses were:

(In constant S/. Mn.) 3Q03  3Q04  Chnge.

Office supplies and operating costs 13.5 11.7 -13.3%
Communications 9.1 8.0 -12.1%
Third party fees 18.4 13.4 -27.2%
Insurance and security 8.4 6.8 -19.0%
Transport of currency and securities 13.3 12.4 -6.8%
Systems and maintenance 20.6 20.1 -2.4%
Advertising and marketing 14.4 14.8 2.8%/
Other G&A 5.3 8.5 60.4%
Total G&A 103.0 95.7 -7.1%

The Other caption within Other Non-Interest Expenses, increased from S/.25.0 million (US$7.5 million) in the third quarter of 2003 to S/.36.5 million (US$10.9 million) in the current quarter, mainly due to decreased revenue from the sale of foreclosed assets.

The ratio of “adjusted” operating expenses as a percentage of average total assets, increased from 4.3% in the third quarter of 2003 to 4.5% in the current period.

The Efficiency ratio, “adjusted” operating expenses, as a percentage of total income (excluding non-recurring income), also grew from 48.6% to 55.7% when comparing the third quarters of 2003 and 2004, respectively. The lower ratio in the year-ago period resulted mainly from the higher financial income and lower expenses due to the sale of foreclosed assets.


Total assets of BCP reached S/.23.2 billion (US$6.9 billion) at the end of September 2004, decreasing 6.6% with respect to September of the prior year, and decreases by 2.3% compared to assets at June 2004.

Consolidated total loans were S/.13.6 billion (US$4.1 billion) at the end of September 2004, lower by 5.8% compared to June 2004, and by 10.3% with respect to loans at the third quarter 2003. At September 30, 2004, the loan portfolio, net of provisions, represented 54.7% of total assets, lower than 56.6% at the preceding quarter. At the end of the third quarter of 2004, the Nuevos Soles portion of the loan portfolio was 16.9%, above 16.2% in June 2004, but is below 17.5% at September 2003.

As of September 30, 2004 total deposits were S/.19.3 billion (US$5.8 billion), decreasing 3.6% compared to second quarter 2004 deposits, and by 8.2% compared to deposits in the year-ago quarter. During the third quarter 2004, time deposits decreased by 1.7%, while savings deposits decreased 2.9% and demand deposits by 7.4%. Deposits denominated in Nuevos Soles were 23.4% of total deposits, increasing during the current quarter from 22.7% at June 2004, but are lower than 23.9% at the end of September 2003.

BCP's subsidiaries had the following loan, net of provisions, and deposit contributions:

Loans, net Total Deposits

(In % and constant S/.Mn.) 30.09.03 30.06.04 30.09.04 30.09.03 30.06.04 30.09.04

Banco de Crédito del Perú 85.9% 88.8% 88.1% 89.8% 91.7% 91.8%
Banco de Crédito de Bolivia 7.2% 6.7% 7.0% 6.6% 5.7% 5.7%
Crédito Leasing 4.6% 4.5% 4.9% 2.5% 2.6% 2.5%
Solución Financiera de Crédito 2.3% ----- ----- 1.1% ----- -----
TOTAL% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Total BCP S/.13,689 S/.13,410 S/.12,663 S/.21,015 S/.20,007 S/.19,289

Loan Portfolio

Loan portfolio composition by business segment developed as follows:

(In % of total and constant S/. Mn) 30.09.03 30.06.04 30.09.04

Corporate 44.0% 42.0% 41.6%
Middle market 25.1% 26.2% 26.1%
Retail: 30.9% 31.8% 32.3%
- small business 9.2% 9.7% 9.0%
- home mortgage 13.6% 15.4% 16.3%
- consumer 4.6% 3.2% 3.3%
- credit cards 3.5% 3.5% 3.7%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Total Loans S/.15,139 S/.14,419 S/.13,576

During the current quarter, loan balances decreased 5.8%, with corporate loans lower by 6.6% to S/.5,653 million (US$1,692 million), while middle market loans decreased by 6.3% to S/.3,538 million (US$1,059 million), and retail loans by 4.5% to S/.4,385 million (US$1,312 million). Retail loans by product performed as follows:

  30.09.03  30.06.04  330.09.04  30.09.04 vs  30.09.04 vs 
(% change and constant S/. Mn)       30.06.04 30.09.03

Small business loans 1,387  1,397  1,216  -13.0% -12.4%
Mortgage loans 2,063  2,223  2,217  -0.3% 7.5
Consumer loans 700  467  455  -2.7% -35.1%
Credit card loans 535  502  497  -1.1% -6.9%
Total Retail 4,685  4,591  4,385  -4.5% -6.4%

Lower consumer loans during third quarter 2004 is mainly because approximately S/.240 million are reported beginning in March 2004 as micro-business loans, which are shown as part of the Small Business concept in the preceding table.

Contingent Credits and Managed Funds

At September 30, 2004 contingent credits were S/.5,518 million (US$1,651 million), 7.5% below the June 2004 figure. Contingent credits grow 14.1% over credits at September 2003, mainly due to the inclussion, beginning in December 2003, of credit card un-used but approved lines of credit, which were not considered in previous periods, as can be seen in the Other contingent accounts caption in the following chart:

  30.09.03  30.06.04  330.09.04  30.09.04 vs  30.09.04 vs 
(% change and constant S/. Mn)       30.06.04 30.09.03

- Guarantees and Stand-by LCs 2,366  2,132  1,934  -9.3% -18.3%
- Letters of Credit 417  639  547  -14.5% 31.0%
- Acceptances 186  154  164  6.1% -11.9%
- Foreign currency forwards 1,145  1,372  1,148  -16.3% 0.3%
- Other contingent accounts 722  1,669  1,726  3.4% 138.9%
Total Contingent Credits 4,837  5,968  5,518  -7.5% 14.1%

Third party funds managed by several subsidiaries of BCP amounted to S/.3,182 million (US$952.1 million) as of September 30, 2004, decreasing 6.2% compared to funds at June 2004.

Market share

According to preliminary statistics from the Peruvian Banking Association (ASBANC) for Peruvian commercial banks as of September 30, 2004, Banco de Crédito del Perú had a total loan market share of 34.0% (35.0% at June 30, 2004 and 33.8% at September 30, 2003), and 36.1% of deposits (36.8% at June 30, 2004 and 36.4% at September 30, 2003).

BCP’s market share in Peruvian mutual funds, through its subsidiary Credifondo, was 51.6% as of September 30, 2004 (50.9% at June 30, 2004 and 49.3% at September 30, 2003).


Consolidated past due loans amounted to S/.681 million (US$203.7 million) at September 30, 2004, decreasing 44.7% from the balance of S/.1,231 million (US$368.3 million) as of the end of September 2003, and are also 7.1% below past due loans at June 2004.

The ratio of past due loans as a percentage of total loans was 5.0% at September 30, 2004, improving from 8.1% at September 2003, although it remains similar to the ratio at June 2004. The ratio of past due, refinanced and restructured loans as a percentage of total loans declined to 9.9% during third quarter 2004 from 10.3% in June 2004, and also from 13.6% at September 2003.

At the end of September 2004, refinanced loans amounted to S/.669.0 million (US$200.2 million), lower than the balance at September 2003 that was S/.834.2 million (US$249.6 million).

At the end of the third quarter 2004, outstanding balances of loan loss provisions totaled S/.913.2 million (US$273.2 million), decreasing 9.5% compared to the preceding quarter mainly due to charge-offs. The coverage ratio of loan provisions to past due loans increased to 134.1% at the end of third quarter 2004, from 117.8% in September 2003, although it decreases from 137.6% at June 2004.

Of total provisions outstanding at the end of the current quarter, S/.166.1 million (US$49.7 million) correspond to generic provisions assigned to loans in the Normal (A) risk category, decreasing from the balance at September 30, 2003 of S/.232.1 million (US$69.4 million).

Loans believed to be unrecoverable, fully provisioned in prior periods, were written-off during the third quarter 2004 amounting to S/.74.0 million (US$22.1 million), of which approximately 39% were related to consumer and mortgage loans. This compares to charge-offs in the second quarter of 2004 of S/.81.3 million (US$24.3 million), and S/.167.5 million (US$50.1 million) in the year-ago third quarter.

Loans classified as Substandard (i.e., Deficient, Doubtful and Loss) were 12.2% of the loan portfolio in September 2004, decreasing from 13.5% that resulted in June 2004 and from 17.6% in September 2003. The loan classification is as follows:

(% of Total loans and S/.Mn const.) 30.09.03 30.06.04 30.09.04

A: Normal 72.8% 78.2% 79.7%
B: Potential Problem 9.5% 8.3% 8.1%
C: Deficient 6.0% 5.5% 4.8%
D: Doubtful 6.5% 4.8% 4.4%
E: Loss 5.2% 3.2% 3.0%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Total Loans S/.15,139 S/.14,419 S/.13,576

Loan loss provisions, net of recoveries, charged against results in third quarter 2004 amounted to S/.12.3 million (US$3.7 million), lower than S/.83.6 million (US$25.0 million) in the year-ago period, mainly due to improved loan quality. Provision expense in the second quarter of 2004 was S/.20.6 million (US$6.2 million).


At the end of the third quarter of 2004, BCP’s unconsolidated ratio of risk-weighted assets to regulatory capital was 7.9 to 1.0 (12.7%), while the corresponding consolidated ratio was 7.1 to 1.0 (14.1%). Risk-weighted assets include S/.943.3 million (US$283.2 million) of market-risk exposure whose coverage required S/.86.0 million (US$25.7 million) of regulatory capital at September 30, 2004. Peruvian regulations limit risk-weighted assets to a ratio of 11.0 to 1.0 (9.1%).

As of September 30, 2004, BCP’s consolidated “regulatory capital” was S/.2,281 million (US$682.4 million), increasing compared to S/.2,259 million (US$675.8 million) in September 2003 mostly due to higher reserves. Regulatory capital included S/.136.6 million ($40.9 million) in subordinated debt in the current period, declining from S/.189.7 million (US$56.8 million) at June 2004.


(In constant S/. Mn.) 30.09.03  30.09.04  30.09.03  30.09.04 

Regulatory capital 1,688 1,841 2,259 2,281
Risk weighted assets 16,446 14,547 18,614 16,135
Weighted assets / Capital 9.7 7.9 8.2 7.1
Capital / Weighted Assets 10.3% 12.7% 12.1% 14.1%


Net Income

Consolidated net income in the first nine months of 2004 reached US$15.1 million, almost doubling US$7.8 million in the same period of 2003. Net income in the quarter ended September 30, 2004 was US$2.8 million, higher than US$2.5 million in the same period of 2003.

Net income in the first nine months and in the third quarter of 2004, increase compared to the same periods of 2003, mainly due to lower market risk provisions, in spite of higher gains on securities transactions obtained in 2003.

Financial and non-financial income

Net interest income, before risk provisions and not including dividend income, was US$3.4 million in the third quarter of 2004, slightly lower than US$3.6 million in the same quarter of last year. Net interest margin as a percentage of interest earning assets, without considering dividends, was 1.9% during third quarter 2004, lower than the 2.0% margin in the preceding second quarter 2004, and also decreases compared to 2.3% in third quarter 2003. Compared with the year-ago quarter, the margin decreased mainly because in 2004 the investment portfolio grew its lower risk and lower return segments.

In the third quarter of 2004 no charges against income were made for either market risk provisions nor for credit risk provisions. In the prior year quarter market risk provisions amounted to US$1.9 million, while no loan loss provisions were made.

Non-interest income, which includes fee income, realized gains on securities transactions before risk provisions and others, amounted to US$1.3 million in the third quarter of 2004, declining from US$2.5 million in the year-ago quarter where gains on securities amounted to US$1.6 million, compared to US$0.3 million gains in the current quarter. Fee income was US$1.0 million in the current period, increasing from US$0.8 million in the year-ago quarter.

The ratio of operating expenses over average assets was 0.9%, annualized, in the third quarter of 2004 similar to the ratio during the same period in 2003. This ratio declines to 0.5% in the third quarter of 2004, when funds under management are included within total assets, remaining unchanged compared to the prior year quarter.

Assets and liabilities

The loan portfolio, net of provisions, was US$154.5 million as of September 30, 2004, decreasing during the quarter from US$163.1 million at the end of June 2004, but grows compared to loan balances of US$151.1 million at September 2003. As of September 30, 2004, the loan portfolio had 2.4% past dues, similar to the ratio at June 2004, while the coverage ratio increased to 149% from 142.0%, at the same dates.

The securities portfolio grew to US$500.5 million at September 2004, increasing over US$464.9 million last June 2004, and also from US$423.3 million at the end of September 2003, following the increase of available funds and the additional Credicorp shares purchased in second quarter 2004, which were held by PPS, amounting to US$33.5 million. This transfer followed the corporate policy that seeks to restructure assets held across subsidiaries in the group.

Deposits amounted to US$688.7 million at September 30, 2004, increasing from the balance of US$677.7 million at the end of the preceding second quarter 2004, and also compared to US$584.5 million at the end of September 2003.

Funds under management were US$708.8 million at September 30, 2004, 21.2% higher than US$584.8 million at September 2003, and grow only 2.2% compared to US$693.5 million at June 2004 decreasing its growth rate due to uncertainty around increasing international interest rates.

Net equity reached US$146.5 million at the end of September 2004, increasing over US$141.3 million at June 2004, mainly due to higher retained earnings and reserves for unrealized gains on market value. The equity account of reserves for market value of investments, increased from a balance of unrealized gains of US$7.1 million at the end of June 2004, to unrealized gains of US$9.5 million at September 30, 2004.


Net income

PPS obtained in the nine months of 2004 a consolidated net income of S/.78.2 million (US$23.4 million), 65.1% higher than S/.47.4 million (US$14.2 million) in the same nine month period of 2003. In the quarter ended September 30, 2004, net income was S/.12.7 million (US$3.8 million), compared to net income of S/.17.1 million (US$5.1 million) in the same year-ago quarter.

Cumulative net income through September 2004 increased over the prior year mainly because of gains from the sale to ASHC of Credicorp equity shares, which were kept by PPS as part of its investment portfolio. The sale, made in second quarter 2004, resulted in a net gain of S/.75.6 million (US$22.6 million), not subject to income taxes, in PPS’s local records. In Credicorp’s consolidated financial statements, all the effects of the transfer of these shares, including the gains, are eliminated in the consolidation process.

Net income in third quarter 2004 declined compared to the year-ago period, mainly due to losses from the inflation exposure accounting adjustment, which amounted to S/.13.1 million (US$3.9 million) in the current quarter.

In August 2004 the merger of Novasalud with Pacífico Salud was finalized. Novasalud was acquired in March 2004, and during third quarter 2004 transactions since the purchase date were retroactively registered. This explains the substantial increases seen especially in Premiums and health fees, Claims and health costs, and Operating expenses. Higher operating expenses include extraordinary merger costs amounting to S/.5.4 million (US$1.6 million), mainly related to personnel, and which is offset with revenue from sale of assets and recoveries of investments as seen below.

Revenue and operating expense

Total premiums and Pacífico Salud health fees in the third quarter of 2004 were S/.358.3 million (US$107.2 million), 22.6% higher than premiums of S/.292.2 million (US$87.4 million) in the year-ago quarter, due mainly to growth in Pacífico Salud which offset lower general insurance premiums. Current quarter premiums and fees include approximately S/.61.3 million (US$18.3 million) related to Novasalud’s operations since its acquisition in March 2004.

Retained premiums increase 49.8% to S/.295.1 million (US$88.3 million) in this quarter from S/.196.9 million (US$58.9 million) in third quarter 2003. Net premiums earned and health fees, net of reinsured premiums and reserves, were S/.232.7 million (US$69.6 million) in third quarter 2004, 65.5% above premiums in the prior year quarter. These increases are mostly due to transactions registered with the above mentioned merger.

Additions to technical reserves for premiums grew by S/.62.3 million (US$18.7 million) in the third quarter of 2004, lower than additions in the preceding second quarter, but are 7.2% higher than reserve additions in the same quarter of last year. Most of reserves in the third quarter of 2004 were established by Pacífico Vida, for its life annuities and life insurance lines.

Net consolidated underwriting results was S/.40.3 million (US$12.1 million) in the third quarter of 2004, increasing from S/.33.1 million (US$9.9 million) in the prior year quarter.

The ratio of net underwriting results (net premiums and health fees less reserves and claims as a percentage of total premiums) was 11.3% in the third quarter of 2004, similar to the year-ago ratio, but increases compared to the 4.0% ratio in the preceding second quarter, mainly due to lower reserves at Pacífico Vida y to lower claims in general insurance lines and in Pacífico Salud.

Financial results increase from S/.20.4 million (US$6.1 million) in third quarter 2003 to S/.29.4 million (US$8.8 million) in the current quarter, although it decreases compared to S/.106.5 million (US$31.9 million) in the preceding quarter when the mentioned gain from the sale of Credicorp shares was registered.

The Other provisions concept, improve from a loss of S/.23.4 million (US$7.0 million) in the preceding second quarter, due to the provision for the Novasalud investment, to a gain of S/.8.5 million (US$2.5 million) in the current quarter, mainly due to revenue from the sale of assets not required after the merger.

Adjustments for exposure to inflation and exchange differences resulted in a loss of S/.13.1 million (US$3.9 million) in third quarter 2004, compared to a loss of S/.0.7 million (US$0.2 million) in the same period of 2003.

Operating expenses over net premiums earned decreased from 21.5% to 19.1% comparing the third quarters of 2003 and 2004, respectively. The ratio of operating expenses over average assets increased from 7.0% to 9.2%, in these same periods.

Business lines

Comparing cumulative results for the nine month periods of 2004 and 2003, consolidated total premiums and fees consisted of:

i) general insurance lines, that amounted to 46.9% of total premiums and decreased 13.2%;
ii) fees at Pacífico Salud, that were 20.1% of total premiums and increased 152.3%; and,
iii) Pacífico Vida, which amounted to 33.1% of the total and increased 1.5%.

Cumulative through September 30, 2004, growth of Pacífico Salud and the health and medical assistance insurance line (29.1% of total premiums) was 68.1%; fire insurance lines (14.5% of total premiums) decreased 34.3%; while the automobile insurance line (5.2% of total premiums) grew 0.2% compared to the prior year period.

Through September 2004, group life insurance and individual life insurance policies (10.2% of total premiums) grew 4.1%; life annuities (17.2% of total premiums) increased 9.9%; while pension fund benefits insurance (4.7% of total premiums) decreased 25.0%, compared to the prior year. Decreased pension fund insurance premiums is due to regulatory changes in procedures for the purchase of insurance coverage by Private Pension Funds (“AFPs”), after the end of the Transitory Arrangement, which caused increased competition and lower fees.


Net insurance claims and health services costs incurred in the third quarter of 2004 were S/.167.0 million (US$50.0 million), increasing over claims of S/.89.8 million (US$26.9 million) in the same quarter of 2003, mainly due to increased operating volume at Pacífico Salud after the merger and the inclusion of Novasalud’s transactions since March 2004.

The net loss ratio (net claims to net premiums) increases to 56.7% in the current quarter from 45.6% in third quarter 2003 due to higher claims in the marine hull and dishonesty lines. Cumulative through September 2004, the net loss ratio was 49.9%, also above 47.4% in the nine month period of 2003. Cumulative through September 2004, the net loss ratio continues high in pension fund insurance (83.5%), marine hull (79.8%), health (77.8%) and in Pacífico Salud (77.4%).

The combined ratio (the sum of net claims and health services, general expenses and commissions, as a percentage of net earned premiums and health fees, without including Pacifico Vida) increased from 87.1% in the third quarter of 2003 to 94.1% in the current quarter.

Assets and investments

Investments in real estate and financial assets were S/.1,536 million (US$459.6 million) at the end of the current quarter, increasing 14.8% from the year-ago balance.

As of September 30, 2004, total assets were S/.2,057 million (US$615.4 million) increasing 9.0% compared to the year-ago balance. At the end of the current period net equity amounted to S/.411.5 million (US$123.1 million), 1.9% above net equity at September 2003.

Market share

The Peruvian insurance market through August 31, 2004, had total premiums of US$606.7 million, remaining similar to premiums in the same eight month period in 2003. For the first eight months of 2004, PPS's market share in total premiums was 31.0% (30.2% in the year-ago period), with the share in general risks and health lines being 33.2% (32.9% in the same period of 2003) and in life insurance and pension fund benefits lines of 27.5% (26.4% in the same period of 2003).

*** 8 Tables To Follow ***

Table 1
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars)

As of

ASSETS Sep. 30, 2003 Dec. 31, 2003 Jun. 30, 2004 Sep. 30, 2004

Cash and non interest bearing deposits in banks 251,491  240,294  277,658  278,249 
Interest bearing deposits in banks 1,488,942  1,372,436  1,550,338  1,543,537 
  1,740,433  1,612,730  1,827,996  1,821,786 
MARKETABLE SECURITIES, net 115,721  127,365  53,947  83,749 
LOANS 4,471,996  4,481,496  4,601,814  4,531,648 
Current 4,130,984  4,225,001  4,379,358  4,316,616 
Past Due 341,012  256,495  222,456  215,032 
Less - Reserve for possible loan losses (387,820) (326,677) (293,263) (281,241)
LOANS NET 4,084,176  4,154,819  4,308,551  4,250,407 
INVESTMENT SECURITIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE 1,493,526  1,612,887  1,644,623  1,885,455 
REINSURANCE ASSETS 47,142  45,904  33,904  38,666 
PROPERTY, PLANT and EQUIPMENT, net 268,498  264,533  251,288  248,129 
DUE FROM CUSTOMERS ON ACCEPTANCES 51,821  50,178  46,108  51,765 
OTHER ASSETS 361,416  370,672  323,003  349,188 
TOTAL ASSETS 8,223,945  8,299,146  8,543,922  8,787,467 

Non-interest bearing 813,726  860,585  949,788  813,737 
Interest bearing 5,076,358  5,125,645  5,048,861  5,391,114 
  5,890,084  5,986,230  5,998,649  6,204,851 
DUE TO BANKS AND CORRESPONDENTS 279,660  273,234  374,206  349,147 
ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING 51,821  50,178  46,108  51,765 
RESERVE FOR PROPERTY AND CASUALTY CLAIMS 289,245  303,587  350,745  381,492 
RESERVE FOR UNEARNED PREMIUMS 63,905  66,084  58,987  62,095 
REINSURANCE PAYABLE 43,737  33,043  13,983  30,157 
BONDS AND SUBORDINATED DEBT (1) 367,914  419,461  429,916  424,889 
OTHER LIABILITIES 273,633  183,755  260,997  203,646 
MINORITY INTEREST 71,723  72,841  69,627  77,776 
TOTAL LIABILITIES 7,331,722  7,388,413  7,603,218  7,785,818 
NET SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 892,223  910,733  940,704  1,001,649 
TOTAL LIABILITIES and NET SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 8,223,945  8,299,146  8,543,922  8,787,467 
CONTINGENT CREDITS 1,373,995  1,768,605  1,850,037  1,765,015 
FUNDS UNDER MANAGEMENT 1,618,763  1,724,130  1,711,086  1,705,826 


Note: in prior periods this concept was reported within Deposits and Obligations and Other liabilities.

Table 2
(In thousands of U.S. Dollars)

  Three months ended Nine months ended

  30.09.03  30.06.04  30.09.04  30.09.03  30.09.04 

Interest on loans 111,241  103,209  108,052  334,429  312,536 
Interest and dividends on investments: 303  1,356  (401) 1,155  958 
Interest on deposits with banks 3,647  3,746  5,878  14,301  13,047 
Interest on trading securities (1) 19,090  23,058  23,276  60,116  68,593 
Total Interest Income 134,281  131,369  136,805  410,001  395,134 
Interest on deposits 29,518  16,882  24,315  97,464  68,252 
Interest on borrowed funds 3,549  3,725  4,558  11,141  11,651 
Other interest expense 5,690  18,202  13,741  14,521  38,491 
Total Interest Expense 38,757  38,809  42,614  123,126  118,394 
Net Interest Income 95,524  92,560  94,191  286,875  276,740 
Provision for possible loan losses, net 23,844  7,167  9,818  77,774  35,959 
Net interest income after provision for possible loan losses 71,680  85,393  84,373  209,101  240,781 
Fees and commissions from banking services 48,909  49,374  52,007  142,656  148,529 
Net gains from sales of securities (2,619) (3,409) 3,661  4,760  4,220 
Net gains on foreign exchange transactions 5,392  5,119  6,576  17,574  17,151 
Net premiums earned 33,843  33,058  64,376  97,834  135,463 
Other income (1) 14,297  12,689  6,665  45,611  33,582 
  99,821  96,831  133,285  308,434  338,945 
Net claims incurred 5,064  9,659  8,652  17,101  25,734 
Increase in future policy benefits for life and health 19,647  17,448  39,963  59,215  78,650 
  24,711  27,107  48,615  76,316  104,384 
Salaries and employee benefits 44,816  46,883  50,041  136,024  141,287 
General, administrative, and other taxes 34,540  34,874  37,191  109,370  109,542 
Depreciation and amortization 12,038  11,047  12,312  36,183  34,969 
Other 11,281  13,468  22,896  42,552  51,070 
Merger costs 1,375  538  17,487  3,742 
  102,675  107,647  122,978  341,616  340,610 
Translation result 350  758  (171) (3,768) 3,861 
Income before income tax, and minority interest 44,465  48,228  45,894  95,835  138,593 
Income Tax (13,250) (12,669) (10,813) (29,860) (35,119)
Minority Interest (5,246) (2,676) (2,141) (9,205) (7,589)
NET INCOME 25,969  32,883  32,940  56,770  95,885 


Note: for comparison purposes, US$4.9Mn in 3Q03 and US$18.4Mn in 9M03 were reclassified from other income into interest income.

Table 3

  Three months ended Nine months ended

  30.09.03  30.06.04  30.09.04  30.09.03  30.09.04 

Net income per common share (US$ per share)(1) 0.33 0.41 0.41 0.71 1.20
Net interest margin on interest earning assets (2) 5.61% 5.31% 5.23% 5.57% 5.26%
Return on average total assets (2)(3) 1.26% 1.56% 1.52% 0.90% 1.51%
Return on average shareholders' equity (2)(3) 11.89% 14.15% 13.57% 8.96% 13.56%
No. of outstanding shares (millions)(4) 79.75 79.75 79.75 79.75 79.75
Quality of loan portfolio
Past due loans as a percentage of total loans 7.63% 4.83% 4.75% 7.63% 4.75%
Reserves for loan losses as a percentage of
total past due loans 113.73% 131.83% 130.79% 113.73% 130.79%
Reserves for loan losses as a percentage of
total loans 8.67% 6.37% 6.21% 8.67% 6.21%
Reserves for loan losses as a percentage of
substandard loans (C+D+E) 52.60% 50.75% 54.39% 52.60% 54.39%
Past due loans - reserves for loan losses as a
percentage of shareholders' equity -5.25%  -7.53%  -6.61%  -5.25%  -6.61% 
Operating efficiency
Oper. expense as a percent. of total income (5) 46.41% 50.65% 48.61% 50.17% 49.94%
Oper. expense as a percent. of av. tot. assets(2)(3)(5) 4.41% 4.56% 5.10% 4.64% 4.80%
Capital adequacy
Total Regulatory Capital (US$Mn) 712.6 867.0 851.0 712.6 851.0
Tier I Capital (US$Mn) 601.7 743.2 733.5 601.7 733.5
Regulatory capital / risk-weighted assets (6) 10.96% 13.57% 13.12% 10.96% 13.12%
Average balances (US$Mn) (3)
Interest earning assets 6,808.5 6,977.9 7,199.3 6,861.8 7,018.3
Total Assets 8,229.0 8,418.7 8,665.7 8,413.4 8,481.0
Net equity 873.9 929.4 971.2 845.0 942.8


Number of shares outstanding of 79.8 million in all periods.


Ratios are annualized.


Averages are determined as the average of period-beginning and period-ending balances.


Net of treasury shares. The total number of shares was of 94.38 million.


Total income includes net interest income and other income. Operating expense is net of provisions for other assets received in lieu of loan repayment and mandatory employee profit sharing expense. Non-recurring items are not included.


Risk-weighted assets include market risk assets.

Table 4
(Constant Nuevos Soles, as of September 30, 2004, and U.S. Dollars in thousands)

ASSETS 30.09.03  31.12.03  30.06.04  30.09.04  30.09.04 

CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS 6,072.733 5,435.842 5,896.438 5,615.886 $1,680.397
Cash and Checks 924.346 830.291 946.687 892.957 $267.192
Deposits in Central Bank of Peru 4,223.190 3,488.055 3,715.514 3,510.499 $1,050.419
Deposits with local and foreign banks 925.197 1,117.496 1,234.237 1,212.430 $362.786
TRADING SECURITIES, net 179.930 144.042 179.927 183.601 $54.937
LOANS 15,138.536 14,899.936 14,418.576 13,576.346 $4,062.342
Current 13,907.662 13,996.097 13,685.787 12,895.540 $3,858.630
Past Due 1,230.874 903.839 732.790 680.806 $203.712
Less - Reserve for possible loan losses (1,449.427) (1,199.663) (1,008.552) (913.171) ($273.241)
LOANS NET 13,689.109 13,700.273 13,410.024 12,663.175 $3,789.101
INVESTMENT SECURITIES AVAIL. FOR SALE 2,917.667 3,166.132 2,643.382 3,120.714 $933.786
PROPERTY, PLANT and EQUIPMENT, net 756.185 767.529 717.039 699.043 $209.169
OTHER ASSETS 1,177.167 1,080.871 861.876 882.330 $264.013
TOTAL ASSETS 24,792.791  24,294.689  23,708.686  23,164.749  $6,931.403
DEPOSITS AND OBLIGATIONS: 21,015.430 20,517.718 20,006.948 19,288.961 $5,771.682
Demand deposits 5,004.157 5,056.006 5,660.994 5,243.913 $1,569.094
Saving accounts 5,607.244 5,557.836 4,885.128 4,741.729 $1,418.830
Time deposits 10,404.029 9,903.876 9,460.826 9,303.319 $2,783.758
DUE TO BANKS AND CORRESPONDENTS 375.586 372.122 649.300 537.652 $160.877
OTHER LIABILITIES 1,148.268 1,060.579 802.444 1,018.327 $304.706
SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY: 2,253.507 2,344.270 2,249.994 2,319.809 $694.138
Capital stock 1,287.287 1,286.528 1,286.587 1,286.528 $384.958
Legal reserve 733.015 732.583 805.521 805.484 $241.019
Retained earnings 233.205 325.159 157.886 227.797 $68.162
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 24,792.791  24,294.689  23,708.686  23,164.749  $6,931.403
Contingent Credits 4,836.768 6,105.920 5,967.593 5,518.437 $1,651.238
Funds under management 3,886.098 3,938.220 3,393.487 3,182.042 $952.137


Translated at S/.3.342 per US$1.00.

Table 5
(Constant Nuevos Soles, as of September 30, 2004 and U.S. Dollars in thousands)

  Three months ended Nine months ended


Interest income and expense   US$000(1)     US$000(1)
Interest income 423.434 369.506 372.396 $111.429 1,291.865 1,117.577 $334.404
Less - Interest expense 112.858 105.874 111.793 $33.451 378.367 325.715 $97.461
Net interest income 310.576 263.632 260.603 $77.978 913.498 791.862 $236.943
Provisions for possible loan losses, net 83.570 20.618 12.317 $3.686 276.969 81.022 $24.244
Net interest income after provisions 227.006 243.014 248.286 $74.293 636.529 710.840 $212.699
Other Income
Fees and commissions from services 174.898 161.188 163.186 $48.829 508.786 485.001 $145.123
Net gains from sales of securities (5.663) (8.748) 5.579 $1.669 7.818 6.834 $2.045
Net gains on foreing exchg. transacts. 19.324 18.341 21.559 $6.451 62.057 59.092 $17.682
Other income 49.706 35.036 24.701 $7.391 147.800 96.752 $28.950
  238.265 205.817 215.025 $64.340 726.461 647.679 $193.800
Other Expenses
Salaries and employee benefits 135.869 131.375 127.773 $38.232 409.945 387.440 $115.931
General and administrative 102.957 97.546 95.696 $28.634 319.999 296.195 $88.628
Depreciation and amortization 36.419 33.554 34.176 $10.226 108.657 104.025 $31.127
Taxes other than income tax 10.249 13.307 10.162 $3.041 41.897 35.479 $10.616
Other 25.001 31.541 36.534 $10.932 76.222 95.757 $28.653
Merger costs 0.000 4.854 1.830 $0.548 64.311 13.203 $3.951
  310.495 312.177 306.171 $91.613 1,021.031 932.099 $278.905
Result from exposure to inflation 0.698 (16.828) (53.610) ($16.041) (21.840) (106.043) ($31.730)
Income before income tax 155.474 119.826 103.530 $30.978 320.119 320.377 $95.864
Income Tax 42.905 37.362 33.609 $10.057 88.062 99.553 $29.788
NET INCOME 112.569 82.464 69.921 $20.922 232.057 220.824 $66.075


Translated at S/.3.342 per US$1.00.

Table 6

  Three months ended Nine months ended

  30.09.03  30.06.04  30.09.04  30.09.03  30.09.04 

Net income per common share (S/. per share)(1) 0.092 0.067 0.057 0.189 0.180
Net interest margin on interest earning assets (2) 5.71% 5.08% 5.06% 5.38% 5.08%
Return on average total assets (2)(3) 1.81% 1.40% 1.19% 1.19% 1.24%
Return on average shareholders' equity (2)(3) 20.50% 14.94% 12.24% 14.46% 12.97%
Quality of loan portfolio
Past due loans as a percentage of total loans 8.13% 5.08% 5.01% 8.13% 5.01%
Past due loans + refinanced loans as a
percentage of total loans 13.64% 10.34% 9.94% 13.64% 9.94%
Reserves for loan losses as a percentage of
past due loans 117.76% 137.63% 134.13% 117.76% 134.13%
Reserves for loan losses as a percentage of
substandard loans (C+D+E) 54.35% 52.08% 54.98% 54.35% 54.98%
Past due loans - reserves for loan losses as a
percentage of shareholders' equity -9.70%  -12.26%  -10.02%  -9.70%  -10.02% 
Operating efficiency (5)
Oper. expense as a percent. of total income (4) 48.58% 57.83% 55.65% 51.91% 56.83%
Oper. expense as a percent. of av. tot. assets(2)(3) 4.29% 4.61% 4.52% 4.30% 4.60%
Capital adequacy
Total Regulatory capital (constant millions S/.) 2,258.6 2,365.2 2,280.6 2,258.6 2,280.6
Tier I Capital (constant millions S/.) 1,994.3 2,070.6 2,071.9 1,994.3 2,071.9
Net equity as a percentage of period end total assets 9.09% 9.49% 10.01% 9.09% 10.01%
Regulatory capital / risk-weighted assets 12.13% 14.15% 14.13% 12.13% 14.13%
Average balances (constant millions S/.) (3)
Interest earning assets 21,755.2 20,739.1 20,614.4 22,654.4 20,763.9
Total Assets 24,849.2 23,541.3 23,436.7 26,047.8 23,729.7
Net equity 2,195.9 2,208.2 2,284.9 2,139.2 2,270.1
Additional data
No. of outstanding shares (millions) 1,202  1,226  1,226  1,202  1,226 
No. of employees 7,644  7,567  7,667  7,644  7,667 
Inflation rate ( Wholesale price index) 0.54% 1.89% 0.13% 0.98% 4.91%
Exchange rate (S/. per 1 U.S. Dollar) 3.48 3.47 3.34 3.48 3.34


Shares outstanding of 1,226 million is used for all periods since shares have been issued only for capitalization of profits and inflation adjustment.


Ratios are annualized.


Averages are determined as the average of period-beginning and period-ending balances.


Total income includes net interest income and other income, excluding non-recurring items.


Operating expense does not include mandatory employee profit sharing expense nor provisions for other assets received in lieu of loan repayment and non-recurring items.

Table 7
(Thousands of U.S. Dollars, except net income per share, and percentages)

  Three months ended Nine months ended

  30.09.03  30.06.04  30.09.04  30.09.03  30.09.04 

Net Interest Income (w/o dividends) 3,601  3,632  3,374  11,244  10,389 
Dividend income 1,043  33  3,221  5,947 
Provisions for credit and market risks 1,894  520  10,600  1,554 
Commissions and fee income 829  1,095  1,001  2,631  3,212 
Other Income(1) 1,643  1,116  329  6,160  2,697 
Operating Expense 1,716  1,776  1,911  4,816  5,551 
Net Income 2,466  4,589  2,827  7,840  15,141 
Net Income per share (US$) 0.06 0.11 0.05 0.20 0.25
Balance Sheets (end of period)
Total Assets 746,885  851,608  871,734  746,885  871,734 
Loan portfolio, net 151,123  163,136  154,518  151,123  154,518 
Marketable securities and investments 423,214  464,926  500,498  423,214  500,498 
Total Deposits 584,526  677,793  688,718  584,526  688,718 
Shareholders' equity 129,467  141,316  146,512  129,467  146,512 
Funds under administration (2) 584,789  693,498  708,752  584,789  708,752 
Ratios (3)
Net interest margin / interest earning assets (4,5,6) 2.3% 2.1% 1.9% 2.4% 1.9%
Return on average stockholders' equity(5) 7.6% 13.9% 7.9% 8.7% 15.6%
Return on average total assets(5) 1.3% 2.2% 1.3% 1.5% 2.4%
Past due loans as a percentage of total loans 0.0% 2.3% 2.4% 0.0% 2.4%
Reserves for loan losses as a percentage of total loans 2.2% 3.2% 3.4% 2.2% 3.4%
Operating expense / total income (7) 28.2% 25.8% 40.3% 20.7% 25.0%
Operating expense / average total assets(5) 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9%
Operating expense / average total assets + funds under management(5) 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%


Includes realized gains in securities.


Prior period figures have been revised to reflect funds currently booked by Credicorp Securities, which were previously registered by ASHC.


Averages are determined as the average of period-beginning and period-ending balances.


Averages determined from monthly balances.




Without considering dividend income and dividend earning assets.


Without considering provisions for investments.

Table 8
(Constant Nuevos Soles as of September 30, 2004, and
U.S. Dollars in thousands, except net income per share)
  As of and for the three month As of and for the nine month
  period ended period ended


Results       US$000(1)
Total gross Premiums 292,236  269,853 358,318 $107,217 829,084 876,547 $262,282  
Net Premiums Earned 140,974  126,736 232,674 $69,621 395,452 505,942 $151,389
Change in Reserves 58,124  102,859 62,331 $18,651 191,176 228,791 $68,459
Net Underwriting Results 33,056  10,841 40,349 $12,073 63,223 72,268 $21,624
Net Financial Income 20,413  106,466 29,356 $8,784 91,332 167,278 $50,053
General Expenses 30,331  29,189 44,410 $13,288 88,977 104,418 $31,244
Income Tax 2,944  1,047 3,304 $989 11,961 6,454 $1,931
Net Income 17,065  57,580 12,748 $3,814 47,393 78,240 $23,411
Net Income per share (S/.)(2) 0.72 2.38 0.53 $0.16 2.00 3.23 $0.97
Balance Sheets (end of period)
Total Assets 1,886,192  1,927,649 2,056,565 $615,369 1,886,192 2,056,565 $615,369
Investments in Secur. and Real estate 1,338,701  1,466,126 1,536,144 $459,648 1,338,701 1,536,144 $459,648
Technical Reserves 1,191,436  1,365,419 1,424,288 $426,178 1,191,436 1,424,288 $426,178
Net Equity 403,884  396,943 411,467 $123,120 403,884 411,467 $123,120
Net underwriting results 11.3% 4.0% 11.3% 11.3% 7.6% 8.2% 8.2%
Total loss ratio 35.8% 49.3% 50.8% 50.8% 38.0% 49.1% 49.1%
Return on avge. equity (3)(4) 18.5% 79.2% 13.2% 13.2% 16.9% 26.7% 26.7%
Return on total premiums 5.8% 21.3% 3.6% 3.6% 5.7% 8.9% 8.9%
Shareholders' Equity / TotalAssets 21.4% 20.6% 20.0% 20.0% 21.4% 20.0% 20.0%
Increase in Risk Reserves 29.2% 44.8% 21.1% 21.1% 32.6% 31.1% 31.1%
Combined Ratio (5) 87.1% 102.4% 94.1% 94.1% 93.0% 96.1% 96.1%
-Net Claims / Net Premiums Earned 57.9% 71.6% 67.1% 67.1% 63.3% 66.8% 66.8%
-Op. Exp.+Comiss./Net Prems. Earned 29.2% 30.8% 27.0% 27.0% 29.7% 29.3% 29.3%
Operating expense/Net Earn. Premiums 21.5% 23.0% 19.1% 19.1% 22.5% 20.6% 20.6%
Oper. expense / Avge. assets (3)(4) 7.0% 6.3% 9.2% 9.2% 7.0% 7.2% 7.2%


Translated at S/.3.342 per US$1.00.


Based on 24.2 million shares in all periods.


Averages are determined as the average of period-beginning and period-ending balances.




Does not include the life insurance subsidiary Pacifico Vida.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 10, 2004

/S/  Guillermo Castillo

Guillermo Castillo
Authorized Representative

This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.